Thursday, June 3, 2010

What a day!

Today was the day of the transfer for the single embryo that fertilized. I was at the acupuncturist at 8AM where I was given a series points on my abdomen, that were then attached to the teeniest electrodes I have ever seen. She also put other points on my head, ears, hands, legs and feet. The abdomen electrodes were for stimulating those points and bringing blood to my uterus. I left there to go straight to the hospital with a full bladder. We were brought right in but had to wait for the doctors for 15 minutes and then they started the procedure, where they got me set up and get the embryo from the embryologist. I will spare the gory details but it wasn't a good experience at all. My full bladder was mostly to blame, but a few other discomforts emerged. Luckily I know how to tough these situations out and didn't pass out or call the doctors any bad names.

The transfer was successful and the embryo was called 'very good' by the embryologist, photo below. The doctor was also positive about the quality of the embryo and stated that it had begun compacting, which is a sign of progress that our previous embryos hadn’t showed. I hadn’t heard the term ‘compacting’ before, so since I was assigned to bed-rest all day, it was the perfect time to research it. Essentially it's when the 8 cells break down to transform into a single large cell. If you look at the photo from our first transfer in April, you will see that the 8 cells are still perfectly formed with distinct edges and it has not started compacting. If you are interested in seeing the development of an embryo, this site has a great image timeline to show.

They gave us a photo of the transfer and the image below shows the embryo placed, it kinda tough to see, but it's a small,white dot in the middle. After we left the hospital with my delightfully empty bladder, we headed straight back to do another accupunture session. It was a great relief after the stress of the invasive medical procedure and really relaxed me. I came right home and have been glued to either bed or the sofa diligently working on my bed-rest assignment. I look forward to getting back to the world tomorrow, hopefully a changed woman!

The Embryo

The Placement in the Uterus (little white dot in the middle)


  1. Kindy...I wish you the most beautiful birthday present ever...the gift of life. You two will make such excellent parents. Love and Luck to both of you...M

    1. wish you had made it to the conclusion...

    2. wish you had made it to the conclusion...
