Thursday, April 8, 2010

4 eggs Retrieved

I went for the retrieval this morning and they got 4 eggs. The procedure was pretty straight forward and luckily they put you out, so you don't feel anything either. The worst part was getting an IV in my hand, since I hate getting IV's and that feeling. My doctor was happy with the procedure and my the overall follicle development, but wished there had been more than 4 eggs retrieved. She was hopeful some would get fertilized and will continue to grow. Statistically, half of all eggs retrieved make it into embryos.

If the eggs fertilize and continue to grow, they plan on doing the transfer on Sunday, Day 3 of the embryos. This is a very easy procedure done by inserting a thin catheter into your uterus and sending the embryos on their way. If there are two embryos to insert, they will put two in. Let's hope that two embryos make it and can get transferred.

The embryologist will call us tomorrow with an update on the status.

I am home recuperating since they put you out and consider it an out patient procedure. My ovary still feels very heavy and painful, but I am trying to ignore it. I feel relieved that this part is over but now getting nervous about the next couple of days, since the eggs could not respond. Thankfully some friends are coming to visit for the weekend and I will have a great distraction.

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